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Showing posts from November, 2014

My thoughts on Hearthstone

In case you've been under a rock, hiding from the gaming world the past few months, a game called Hearthstone has made a huge entrance. It's a big deal because it's a different type of game. There's no running around, adventure or story,. there's just cards. Card games are the oldest type of games in existence but digital card games have only become popular in the past few years. Popular is an overstatement as they're still considered very niche, games such as  MTG  have a small but dedicated player base. Hearthstone came in as an online only card game. It's been attempted before many times by smaller companies but because this was spearheaded by Blizzard it became an instant hit. Even in the beta where access was very limited, it managed to completely take over twitch . The exclusivity of the beta and the amount of fun the streamers were having playing it made me want this game so badly.  I got the beta from a very nice guy who I met in Sweden, he foll