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Showing posts from January, 2015

10,000 Steps A Day: Week 0

I've recently upgraded my phone from the S3 to the S5 and It came with this fitness app with included a pedometer. I've tried these before but they've been notoriously inaccurate and my general sedentary lifestyle means that I've got very little use for one. The app pointed out that the daily goal for the average person should be 10,000 steps a day. This doesn't seem like that much but when I used it for a day I realised how little I actually walk or even move. I clocked around 3,200 steps and this was on a good day, a day I actually went outside.  This lifestyle is incredibly dangerous and I've known for a while things need to change. It's so hard when everything I need is at home and I happen to live in a rather deprived area with literally nothing to do. When I work it's at home, when I go shopping I'm often with someone else and they're driving. The only reason I have to go out is to socialize but being an introvert, this isn't somethin