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Working Online in the UK

So my latest venture is certainly different and interesting. I found myself with an abundance of spare time because I haven't received shifts at where I work and money was starting to become a problem. Like a lot of unemployed people I spent a lot of my time browsing Reddit. They recently made a post about a jobs fair, with masses of information about careers and different types of jobs, in there I noticed a sub Reddit (a subforum) which was called work online. As a relatively secular person and an introvert, the idea of having a job that I control and can do from home is basically a dream that I thought only professionals and the top .001% would have but nevertheless I started browsing the subreddit. 

There was a wide range of different types of jobs, some which I had heard about and seemed less desirable like filling out surveys and affiliate link spamming. Others actually seemed promising, a website called clickworker seemed to be the most popular and high paying. It focuses on micro jobs, the site basically offers a variety of small jobs such as Googling a business/person or finding the contact page of a business on their website, paying between 0.02-0.04 per job. This sounds terrible I know but when you can do hundreds of these per hour it starts to add up. This does of course make the job incredible repetitive and boring but the fact you're in control of when you work, how much you work and where you work is a major winner for me. I spend most of my work days watching TV shows on my second monitor whilst doing these for several hours at a time.

Make no disillusion, you most likely wont get rich from doing this, or even make minimum wage per hour but you will still make money. Clickworker works in partner with another site called UHRS which does the same thing but offers a broader range of jobs, If you live in the US then its highly recommended you primarily use this as it has a job called search engine battles or SEB. This can pay up to $0.15 and can be done very quickly so its highly sort after. You can make a good amount of money assuming there's demand for workers that day. For the rest of us, UHRS is an okay site if clickworker has no jobs, I generally get the same or slightly less per hour so I only ever check it if clickworker happens to have no jobs. 

There's plenty of other methods of making money online, the most interesting one I've read/tried so far is an app called Perk TV. This is basically an app which plays videos constantly and gives you points for watching them, its known as passive earnings. Earning money with relatively little to no monitoring. I found this app to be pretty unique although there are others similar to it, this one seems to be the most popular. You can make around $1 a day from having your device constantly on and watching the videos. With this you can redeem the money into your PayPal account. I then found that they actually have a subreddit dedicated to this app and there is in fact people who purchase android phones with WiFi just to "farm" these videos, having as many as 5 per account. Although this is classed as passive earnings there is some monitoring you're required to do, as to whether or not this is worth it I haven't decided.

The last on the list is surveys. This is probably the most effort required but can prove to be a decent way of earning if you're using the right sites. Here is a pretty comprehensive guide on which survey sites to use. Mturk has the most so you can be efficient with your time but its US only which leaves the rest. After barely a day of doing these and making very little, I found it to require so much of my attention as well as constant site switching. 

There is other ways such as copy writing and tutoring. I decided to give copy writing a miss because as I'm sure you're aware after reading this, my grammar isn't very good. I feel as though I wouldn't be the best tutor although I did do this for Starcraft pretty regularly.

In conclusion, for the moment the most effective way for myself is completing microtasks on clickworker. You could probably make more money doing a mix of surveys and clickworker but I prefer the regularity of clickworker. If you're interested in learning more and would like more advice/help, check out It's where I learnt everything pretty much. Thanks for reading.

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